Top 5 Travel Destinations for 2021

Our bags are packed and we’re ready to go and start seeing the world again. Whether you have somewhere specific in mind or are open to new people, places and spaces, our list is sure to inspire your 2021 travels!

Our Top 5 Travel Destinations in 2021:

1. PORTUGAL - best known for it’s food, beaches and Christiano Ronaldo. Portuguese also happens to be the official language of 9 countries and counting! If you’re looking for delicious cultural experiences, sunshine and swimming – this is the spot to be!

Discover Portugal:

2. ICELAND – our closest neighbour north, Iceland packs a photographers punch with it’s selection of natural wonders. Enjoy the aurora borealis under the stars while sitting in a hot pool. You won’t be disappointed!

Iceland Travel Packages:

3. CANADA - staying within Canada will be huge in 2021. Many of us have never explored our own backyards… until now! Tours and trips with Rocky Mountaineer or Fly-n-drive packages with Air Canada Vacations will be popular options in 2021!

Rocky Mountaineer:

Air Canada Vacations Packages:


 4. ARUBA- is best known for dazzling white beaches, fascinating desert-like landscapes, colorful architecture and a vibrant art and social scene to explore. It’s the safest island in the Caribbean and due to it’s top of the line desalination technology, water is safe to drink from the tap! Avid divers, beach go-ers and foodies will love Aruba!

Visit Aruba:

5. BERMUDA – if pink sand beaches and premium Golf are on your bucket list you must be dreaming of Bermuda. A tropical paradise of picturesque beaches, stunning Golf courses, top-class accommodations & dining - this is the ultimate sand, sun and relaxation getaway!


Where will you be exploring in 2021? Wherever it is, make sure to contact your experts at Empire Travel to guide you through the best options for your 2021 vacation.